The Ultimate Guide to Cordyceps Mushroom: History, Health Benefits, and Research

English: Cordyceps

Latin: Cordyceps militaris

Cordyceps paddenstoel
Dive into the intriguing world of Cordyceps, the mushroom known for its unique growth and impressive health benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we reveal the history, scientific findings, and diverse uses of this fascinating fungus.

Growth area & conditions

Cordyceps is a unique fungus that grows primarily in the mountainous regions of China, Nepal, and Tibet. It is typically found at altitudes of 3,000 to 5,000 meters above sea level, where the air is rarer and environmental conditions can be extreme. Cordyceps is best known for its parasitic life cycle. The fungus infects insects and other fungi and uses them as hosts. After infection, it kills its host and grows a fruiting body from the body of the insect or fungus, which then comes to the surface

wereldkaart met waar cordyceps voorkomt
An impressive close-up of this fascinating parasitic fungus, which takes over its host to reach a new stage in its life cycle


First Appointment and Traditional Use

Cordyceps has its origins in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, where it has been used for centuries. In Tibet, this fungus is known as “yartsa gunbu,” which literally means “summer grass, winter worm”.

This specific naming illustrates the unique life cycle of the fungus, where it appears to be a type of grass in summer and infects a parasitic worm in winter. This naming and traditional use of Cordyceps contributed to the deep-rooted cultural and medical significance of the fungus in the Tibetan and Himalayan regions.

In Nepal and Bhutan, the fungus has similar names, yarshagumba and yartsa guenboob, respectively, that also reflect the fungus's unique life cycle and medical uses. Ancient texts describe it as a powerful cure for numerous ailments, ranging from tiredness and weakness to sexual dysfunction and breathing problems.

Cultural Interest and Trade

In China and Tibet, Cordyceps was so highly valued that it was traded weight by weight with silver. The rarity and difficult harvesting process in mountainous regions made it an exclusive product for the rich and elite.

Popularity in Asian Medicine

Over the centuries, Cordyceps has established itself as an integral part of the pharmacopoeia in Asia. It is often used in tonics and soups, specifically intended to nourish the lungs and improve sexual functions.

Nutritional values of fresh Cordyceps (100gr) *
Energy33 kcal
Proteins3.0 g
Fats0.3 g
Of which saturated0.1 g
Carbohydrates6.0 g
Of which sugars2.0 g
Fibers2.1 g
Vitamin D3 ONION
Vitamin B60.1 mg
Potassium400 mg
Nutritional values of dried Cordyceps (100gr) *
Energy296 kcal‍
Proteins26 g
Fats2.5 g
Of which saturated0.5 g
Carbohydrates18 g
Of which sugars2.0 g
Fibers19 g
Vitamin D27 ONION
Vitamin B60.9 mg
Potassium3600 mg
*It is important to note that mushroom nutritional values may vary depending on growing conditions, harvest season, and other factors. In addition, the availability of detailed nutritional information may vary.

Modern science

General Health Benefits

Scientific studies have suggested that Cordyceps may provide numerous health benefits, including increasing energy levels, improving endurance, and strengthening the immune system.

Research into Anti-Tumor Properties

Several studies have investigated the possible anti-tumour properties of Cordyceps. Although definitive conclusions have yet to be drawn, there are indications that it contains active ingredients that may contribute to inhibiting tumor growth.

Lung and Kidney Function

There is also some evidence that Cordyceps may have a positive effect on lung and kidney function. This makes it an interesting subject of research for treating conditions such as chronic bronchitis and kidney failure.

Cardiovascular Health

A few studies have investigated the effects of Cordyceps on the cardiovascular system. These early studies suggest that it may help regulate blood pressure and improve overall heart health.

Research into Old Age and Longevity

The fungus has also been studied as a possible way to combat age-related disorders and extend longevity. While the evidence isn't conclusive yet, it's an exciting area of research.

Libido and Sexual Health

There is growing interest in the potential of Cordyceps to promote sexual health. Several studies suggest that Cordyceps can stimulate the production of sex hormones such as testosterone and thus contribute to improved libido. Although the precise mechanisms are not yet fully understood, it appears that the fungus may affect the endocrine systems involved in sexual responses.

Published studies on Cordyceps


“Effect of Cs-4 (Cordyceps sinensis) on Exercise Performance in Healthy Older Subjects”2010
“Antitumor and antimetastatic activities of cordycepin”2017
“The Scientific Rediscovery of an Ancient Chinese Herbal Medicine: Cordyceps sinensis”1998
“Effects of Cordyceps sinensis on lung and liver functions in patients with chronic cor pulmonale and with asthma”1995
“Cordyceps sinensis Increases Hypoxia Tolerance by Inducing Heme Oxygenase-1 and Metallothionein via Nrf2 Activation in Human Lung Epithelial Cells”2011

Using Cordyceps

Cordyceps is versatile in use and can be consumed in many ways. Whether you eat it fresh, make it into tea, add it in powder form to your smoothie, or opt for a tincture, each form has unique benefits. We'll cover these different forms and their respective benefits extensively in the following slides so that you can make an informed choice.

Een flesje cordyceps in een veld me platgedrukt gras

Cordyceps Tincture

The fastest and most effective way to experience the benefits of Cordyceps is with high-quality tinctures. Our tincture is carefully produced using a triple extraction method and ultrasonic extraction to ensure you get the full range of bioactive components.
High quality tinctures
Cordyceps op een bananenblad met capsules gedroogde cordyceps

Cordyceps powder

Cordyceps powder offers you a versatile way to add this wonderful fungus to your daily routine. Mix it into your morning smoothie, sprinkle it over your oatmeal, or use it in your pre-workout shake for that extra boost. And if you prefer the convenience of a pill, you can also take the powder in capsule form. The possibilities are endless.
Cordyceps in een kopje warm water

Fresh Cordyceps

For the purists among us, meet Cordyceps in its most authentic form. However, keep in mind that this fungus is parasitic in nature and has specific storage and use guidelines. Due to its complexity and unique shape, it is not ideal for immediate consumption.
Theepot met gevuld theekopje met bakje cordyceps ernaast

Cordyceps Tea

Cordyceps is known for increasing energy and endurance, which may not be ideal for consumption just before going to bed. However, some users and research suggest that increased energy levels during the day may contribute to better sleep quality at night. It is always wise to monitor your personal reactions and consult with a healthcare provider if necessary.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about Lion's Mane

1. What exactly is Cordyceps?

Cordyceps is a unique edible fungus that grows primarily in the mountainous regions of China, Nepal, and Tibet. Cordyceps is best known for its parasitic life cycle. The fungus infects insects and other fungi and uses them as hosts. After infection, it kills its host and grows a fruiting body from the body of the insect or fungus, which then comes to the surface

2. What are the main benefits of Cordyceps?

Cordyceps is known for increasing energy levels, improving endurance and possibly also improving sleep quality.

3. Are there any side effects when taking Cordyceps

Although Cordyceps is generally considered safe, in rare cases, some people may experience side effects such as dry mouth, nausea, and diarrhea.

4. Can I combine Cordyceps with other medications?

Cordyceps may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners and insulin. If in doubt, always consult a healthcare provider before combining it with other medications.

5. When is the best time to take Cordyceps?

Because Cordyceps has energy-enhancing properties, it is often recommended to take it in the morning or afternoon.

6. Can Cordyceps help improve my sleep quality?

Some users and research suggest that increased energy levels during the day can lead to an overall improvement in sleep quality at night.

7. What makes Mystic Spores tinctures unique?

Our tinctures come from organic fruit bodies and undergo triple and ultrasonic extraction, which breaks open the cell walls to release the active components.

8. Is Cordyceps suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

That depends on the source. Some Cordyceps products are derived from animal sources, while others are plant-based. At Mystic Spores, we only use the plant-based version, Cordyceps Militaris.

9. How long will it take before I start to feel the effects of Cordyceps?

This can vary from person to person, but many people notice changes within a week.

Mystic Spores

At Mystic Spores, you are assured of the very best in medicinal mushrooms. All of our tinctures are made from 100% organic fruit bodies and undergo a triple extraction procedure to ensure maximum potency and effectiveness. By using ultrasonic extraction, we break open the cell walls of the mushrooms, releasing all the beneficial substances and making them easy to absorb by your body. The result? A fast-acting, high-quality product that is perfect for your daily wellbeing routine.